Roles: Gameplay Developer, UI Developer
Roles: Gameplay Developer, UI Developer
Roles: Gameplay Developer, UI Developer
Roles: Gameplay Developer, UI Developer
Toolkit: Unity, Photoshop
Toolkit: Unity, Photoshop
Toolkit: Unity, Photoshop
Toolkit: Unity, Photoshop
Term: 1 Week, Fall 2019
Term: 1 Week, Fall 2019
Term: 1 Week, Fall 2019
Team Size: 2 People
Team Size: 2 People
Team Size: 2 People
Course: Mobile and Casual Game Development, KSU
Course: Mobile and Casual Game Development, KSU
Course: Mobile and Casual Game Development, KSU
Course: Mobile and Casual Game Development, KSU
Can you infect the masses? Can you do it while fighting other zombie mafias? Well if you answered yes to both of those, iBiteEmUp! might be the best IO game for your pocket. Available on both Android and iOS with a killer soundtrack, enjoy fast-paced, short-timed, gameplay while you rock your head to the chaos that is keeping your undead army amassed. Even better; make it to the end, and face the ungodly hordes your opponents have petitioned so hard for.
Genre: IO Army Builder
Art Direction: Voxel based 3D
Camera Model: Perspective Top Down
• Smooth Player Movement.
• Intuitive Player Controls
• Player Skills
• Particle Effects
• User Interface Design
• User Interface Programming
• State Machine System
• Icon Design
User Interface State Machine:
Each state has an OnEnter and an OnExit method that is called when the State Machine is transitioning from an old state to a new state, respectively. The OnExit method has a callback handler to signal when the current state is finished with its exit animations so that the new state can begin it's intro animations, and the machine can cache the new state.
Player Input Script:
Calculates the direction between two points on the screen. One follows directly where the player is touching, the other smooth lerps behind it with a set offset. This was done so the player doesn't have to release there thumb even once because the analog stick is adapting its position dynamically while keeping the direction the same.
Gameplay Demo
Download on the App Store and the Google Play Store:
Zared Redding © 2019